New Journey

This is the first of, I hope, many blogs to come. I am beginning a new journey of self discovery and want to write and share about it as it evolves. I am sure that this blog will evolve as I do.

Like I said, I am beginning a new journey of self discovery and growing into my abundant life. I think the first part of this is defining what an abundant life means to me. I believe for me that includes keep my body, mind and spirit in balance and staying connected and aligned with my core values and beliefs.

I have come to redefine what my beliefs of success are. I used to think that if I had a family (Husband, 2.5 kids and dog), house, cars, money, great corporate career that I was successful. What I couldn't understand was once I had all that why I wasn't happy. I had to hit bottom - depression, over-weight, unhealthy, etc to realize that I had not become anyone I really liked. I was so busy with work that I didn't get to see my family, I was in a relationship that didn't feel right, and I was in a job that was causing health problems due to the stress levels. I had to start over. I had to go back to really look at my life and my true beliefs, how I got where I was and what I could do about it.

I started this process about 4 1/2 years ago and I am still on my journey with changes still happening for the good. Some are very challenging and some are simple, but all are getting me where I need to be. I have changed many things over the recent years and I believe that this is making me a much better person. I have a better relationship with my children and now have the opportunity to spend more time with them as I have entered the world of entrepreneurship and can work from home. I have taken control of my health issues in a more natural way and been able to get off all my medications and start losing weight. I have begun some meditation to develop a more spiritual connection with the world.

My desire is to share some of my experiences and my hope with the world. I know there are others that are in the same place I was and maybe some of my experiences can help others. My solutions are not for everyone, but they are an outline for a place to start.

More to come about finding an Abundant Life.


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